Sky Organics Natural Products Expo East 2023 Booth
Sky Organics Natural Products Expo East 2023 Booth
Sky Organics Natural Products Expo East 2023 8x6
Sky Organics Natural Products Expo East 2023 8x6
Sky Organics Lip Balm Set Render
Sky Organics Lip Balm Set Render
Castor Oil Render
Castor Oil Render
Coconut Vitamin E & Mango Butter Render
Coconut Vitamin E & Mango Butter Render
Sky Organics Oil Dropper Renders
Sky Organics Oil Dropper Renders
Expo Design & Product Catalog
Sky Organics needed a booth design for Natural Products Expo East as well as a face sheet that could provide a QR code which directs the viewer to Sky Organics' product catalog. 
Research was conducted in order to determine the specifications of the booth provided by the expo, and to create a QR code that would direct the viewer to the product catalog. PDQ displays would also be needed to advertise product in the booth.
A mock-up of the specifications was created in Adobe Photoshop and Dimension to reflect what would be present at the expo. The face sheet was designed in Adobe Illustrator and the QR code was created. Assets from the Sky Organics brand library were used as components for the face sheet. 
Sky Organics was able to successfully set up their booth at Natural Products Expo East, raising awareness for the brand and showcasing its new products.

PDQ Design
It was decided that Sky Organics' booth at Natural Products Expo East should feature PDQs with various products highlighted. Research was done into exact specification of product measurements to present the viewer with a full shelf of products.
Coordination with marketing was done to determine what shelf size would need to be leveraged, and products were placed in different iterations of arrangements to see the most pleasing arrangement.
It was determined that the best option for the shelf was a 30" wire shelf.  This fits just under the floating shelves at the expo booth. Each product's measurement was taken into account when deciding which arrangement to select.
Sky Organics was able to have a successful showing at Natural Products Expo East with the prepared designs to communicate Sky Organics' brand values to the expo and best highlight why everyone should buy from Sky Organics.
Sky Organics PDQ Measurements
Sky Organics PDQ Measurements
Sky Organics PDQ A
Sky Organics PDQ A
Sky Organics PDQ B
Sky Organics PDQ B
Sky Organics PDQ C
Sky Organics PDQ C
3D Renders & Press-Ready Assets
Product renders were needed for use on third party retailers' platforms, such as CVS, Wal-Mart, and Amazon
These renders were completed for Sky Organics' marketing collateral for retailers' platforms, such as CVS, Wal-Mart, and Amazon to advertise to the consumer.
Adobe Illustrator was used to create the 3D models which were imported to Adobe Dimension to set scenes with the products for use as marketing collateral.
Sky Organics leveraged these 3D renders for advertising, allowing for more flexible scene creating and allowing for any combination of products to be arranged in any number of ways.
Sell Sheets
Sell sheets were needed for the Sky Organics sales team to easily highlight product offerings to potential partners and retailers. In addition, having recently undergone a rebrand, the sell sheets needed to feature rebranded packaging.
Coordinating with the marketing team was essential in developing copy that would be part of the sell sheet layout design. There was an opportunity to be highly visual in presentation when attempting to make a good first impression.
The layout that was selected features a large product shot for the most visual impact, and highlights persuasive sales copy, as well as the product's name and description.
With these sheets, the sales team was able to establish the brand in select CVS stores nationwide.

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